Редактировал(а) Eugen Colesnicov 2011/01/12 13:19

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Eugen Colesnicov 1.1 1 ## {pre}
2 its_home_welcome=Welcome to the XWiki Task Manager
3 its_home_mytasks=My Tasks
4 its_home_myactivetasks=My Active Tasks
5 its_home_myreportedtasks=My Reported Tasks
6 its_home_allactivetasks=20 Latest Active Tasks
7 its_pagetasks_tasks=Page Tasks
8 its_pagetasks_newtask=New Task
9 its_pagetasks_more=View all my tasks
10 its_pagetasks_notask=This page does not have any attached task.
11 its_mytasks_mytasks=My Recent Tasks
12 its_mytasks_notask=You do not have any assigned task.
13 its_newtask=New Task
14 its_task_new=New Task
15 its_task=Task
16 its_task_id=Id
17 its_task_assignee=Assignee
18 its_task_reporter=Reporter
19 its_task_description=Description
20 its_task_status=Status
21 its_task_severity=Severity
22 its_task_title=Title
23 its_task_onpage=on page
24 its_task_dueDate=Due Date
25 its_task_resolution=Resolution
27 its_taskgroup_new=New Task Group
28 its_taskgroup=Task Group
29 its_taskgroup_newtask=New Main Task
30 its_taskgroup_subtasks=Sub-Tasks
31 its_taskgroup_create=Create Task
32 its_taskgroup_title=Creating a new task group
33 its_taskgroup_addsubtaskassignee=Add a new assignee
34 its_taskgroup_created=Task [{0}>{1}] has been created.
35 its_taskgroup_created_subtask=Sub-task [{0}>{1}] has been created assigned to [{2}].
36 its_taskgroup_created_endmessage=You can now [create another task group>NewTaskGroup] or visit your [My Tasks page>Tasks.WebHome].
37 its_taskgroup_onpage=on page
38 its_taskgroup_activesubtasks=Active subtasks
39 its_taskgroup_inactivesubtasks=Inactive subtasks
40 its_taskgroup_list=Task group list
41 its_taskgroup_numberofunfinishedsubtasks=Number of unfinished subtasks
42 its_taskgroup_activetasks=Active tasks
43 its_taskgroup_inactivetasks=Inactive tasks
44 its_taskgroup_subtaskexplanation=Clicking on an user will allow you to create a subtask that will be affected to him. You can only create one subtask per user. You can create as many subtasks as there is users on your wiki.
45 its_taskgroup_createsubtasks=Create those subtasks
46 its_taskscode_admin=Task Manager Application Administration Space
47 its_taskscode_spaceindex=Space Index
48 its_taskscodespace_info=Welcome to the administration space of the Task Manager Application ! This page lists all the components used to build the Task Manager Application. Remember to always provide a view right on this space to your users for them to be able to add new tasks and view them.
50 its_notifications_sender=ludovic@xwiki.com
51 its_notifications_update_title=Task Update: {0}-{1}
52 its_notifications_update_content=\nTask {1} has been updated. You can view the current task information at:\n\n{2}\n\nTask Status: {3} Task Assignee: {4} Task reporter: {5} Task due date: {6}\n\n{7}\n\n
53 its_notifications_create_title=Task Create: {0}-{1}
54 its_notifications_create_content=\nTask {1} has been created. You can view the current task information at:\n\n{2}\n\nTask Status: {3} Task Assignee: {4} Task reporter: {5} Task due date: {6}\n\n{7}\n\n
56 ## {/pre}